Where is your data

Since services like AWS appeared, cloud computing is everywhere and seems like the only option to run code.

Cloud providers make it incredibly easy to scale resources without a second thought.  However, the “cloud” isn’t that magic place we’ve been sold, where everything is more efficient, cheaper, better or cleaner. Actually, quite the opposite.

It’s convenient, yes. It also comes at a cost.

First, this convenience makes us, tech companies, complacent about code & resource optimization. After all, software engineer’s time is expensive, especially experienced ones. So when more performance is needed, tech companies’ common wisdom is "just throw money at the problem".

In our tech careers, we’ve seen our fair share of badly written code that took an absurd amount of resources on cloud services.

Useless frameworks, libraries, tools, virtualization and unnecessary abstractions are commonplace.

The result? Bloated and inefficient software hungry for power for.. little output.

Truth is, efficiency is rarely at the core of decisions anymore (it used to be, not so long ago).
It is now just an afterthought, at best.

Bitcoin transactions are great examples of this: they have an absurdly high energy cost. The “let’s put it in the blockchain” attitude for about everything is a terrible idea from an energy consumption standpoint (sorry cryptofans!).

We have news for you: The cloud is a power hungry monster that profits bigtech, not you.

At Air360, we believe that code and architecture should be designed to be efficient from the ground up. That's why we prioritize energy efficiency in everything we do. Our servers are energy efficient, and we're always looking for ways to reduce our energy consumption.

We optimize our code to use as little energy as possible, a consideration that many companies overlook at the design stage.

What does it mean for you?

✔️ A cost-effective solution with a fair pricing 💰⚖️

✔️ Lower energy consumption footprint 🌿⚡